Balanced Blog

Our thoughts on fitness, personal growth, and your general well being!

I am a massage therapist and Yoga teacher.

Many of my friends and clients assume that because of my line of work and my interests that I don’t really suffer from stress.

That couldn’t be more wrong.

I am a busy body.

I struggle with sitting still, patience, saying no, and balance. When I say “balance” I mean all things balance. Sleep/work, Food/sweets, Money/time. I really have to work on these things consistently and patiently. Patience, also a struggle. Realizing I am a busy body has led me on my journey to a balanced body.

Do you ever wish you were somewhere else? Someone else?

Like you have lost who you are and you have no idea why things aren't the way they should be, and the only way to find that is to completely change everything about your life?

Well, we all do and no matter how hard you try, you are still you.

What if I told you there is ONLY ONE THING you had to do to change your life?

I have been in the healing industry for a decade at least and there are hundreds of thousands of things you can do, classes you can take, treatments you can have, etc. to supplement your journey to "HAPPY AND HEALTHY".

But there is only one thing that matters.

Disclaimer: Yes, I would still suggest Yoga, Massage, and Meditation on your journey to changing this one thing but just keep reading.

“Work work work work work work…” We all know those people that willingly admit that Rihanna’s hit “Work” is … “like totally their theme song”.

  1.  I am that person, and that is a direct quote from me.
  2. If you haven’t listened to that song you should. It is most likely offensive to some of you, and just awful to others, but then it can be stuck in both of our heads.

Pregnancy myths are fun to write about, but this next one makes me seriously a little afraid of hate mail. Hate the conventional wisdom not the person guiding you past it! This is me smiling nervously…I’m just teasing, kind of, but today’s topic is something that every American (I wonder if this is a global phenomenon?) woman ever has heard a MILLION times and that is…

“Girl you’re doing your Kegels though right?”

So there are a few things to clear up here, first being that (just as is the case with anything else) you never want to depend solely on one thing to solve a problem. Usually problems are way more complicated than a quick fix. Plus this particular problem took years to make, so a quick fix just won’t cut it, and never could.

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4343 South Memorial Dr.
Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74145

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Phone: (918) 619-6312
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Open Hours

Massage: Daily by Appointment
Yoga and Massage